
Getting started

A Node.js module is available for installation with Node Package Manager (NPM). To install it in the current directory,

$ npm install qm

API client

A client for Node.js is planned, but it not yet available as part of the module. When it becomes available, it will be possible to submit jobs from a Node.js program to be executed by volunteer compute nodes.

API server

The original, reference version of QM is available as part of the module, and a basic web server is also provided to enable the use of web browsers as compute nodes if so desired.

A QM server can be launched by a Node.js program as shown in the following example, which includes default configuration values and commented database connection strings:

var qm = require('qm');

    avar_ttl:           86400,      //- expire avars after _ seconds
    enable_api_server:  false,
    enable_cors:        false,
    enable_web_server:  false,
    gc_interval:        60,         //- evict unused avars every _ seconds
    hostname:           '',  //- aka INADDR_ANY
    log: function (request) {
     // This function is the default logging function.
        return {
            method: request.method,
            timestamp: new Date(),
            url: request.url
    match_hostname:     false,
    max_body_size:      65536,      //- 64 * 1024 = 64 KB
    max_http_sockets:   500,
    persistent_storage: {
     // couch:          '',
     // mongo:          'mongodb://localhost:27017/test'
     // postgres:       'postgres://localhost:5432/' + process.env.USER
     // redis:          'redis://'
     // sqlite:         'qm.db'
    port:               8177,
    static_content:     'katamari.json',
    trafficlog_storage: {
     // couch:          ''
     // mongo:          'mongodb://localhost:27017/test'
     // postgres:       'postgres://localhost:5432/' + process.env.USER
    worker_procs:       1

The Node.js version of the API server can use any of five different databases to provide persistent storage for its message-passing interface: CouchDB, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Redis, and SQLite. It can also log traffic data into CouchDB, MongoDB, or PostgreSQL if desired.

Try it live

Live, interactive demonstrations of the API and web servers are available at These will give you a different insight into the guts of QM by allowing you to make your own copies to play with and debug, completely for free.